
Orchard House
Dodwells Road
LE10 3BZ

Contact Name: Warwick Wakefield

Phone: 01455 638300

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flexeserve service circle orange 07 OCT 20 
About Flexeserve®

Flexeserve is the world's leading hot-holding manufacturer and hot food-to-go specialist. We partner with and support global retailers and independent outlets. With our unique equipment and expertise, Flexeserve helps you sell more and waste less.

Our game-changing products and all-encompassing service deliver true hot-holding. This unlocks reduced food waste, extended shelf life, amazing food quality, diverse food range, unmatched efficiency, and happier consumers.

Flexeserve Solution is the industry's only hot-holding service, delivered by our team of hot-holding experts in culinary, technical, packaging and in-store operations. With this service, we take operators on the journey to optimise their hot food programme and embrace true hot-holding smoothly, efficiently, and profitably.

Our latest range of units, the Queen's award-winning Flexeserve Zone, the high-capacity Flexeserve Hub and Flexeserve Zone Xtra continue revolutionising the front and back-of-house experience. Our new cloud-based service, 'Connect', is taking hot food operations to the next level, helping you change the game in every location.


 Flexeserve Hub Model 1000                            Flexeserve Zone 2 Tier 1000                            Flexeserve Zone 4 Tier 1000